We Value
- Inclusive Unity of churches covering the broadest possible spectrum of evangelicals who affirm a statement of faith that aligns with the CEA Statement of Faith
- Representative Voice to the government, media and society
- Relevant Services which are impactful to advance the Kingdom of God
- Visionary Leadership with authentic governance who, through clear structures and efficient processes, is accountable to its constituency.
- Long-term sustainability by managing resources with integrity and transparency and a leadership development culture with succession planning.
- Collaborative Nature by participation in programs and activities of our Regional Alliance and the World Evangelical Alliance.
- Healthy Relationships among our members and with people and other organisations.
The CEA confesses the Nicene Creed and emphazises the following basic teachings common to all Evangelical Churches:
The Bible (i.e. the books of the canon of the Old and New Testaments) as the inspired Word of God and as the only rule of faith and life.
The One living and true Triune God; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
The incarnation of the Lord Jesus Christ, God “Who was manifested in the flesh,” Who was crucified and resurrected from the dead.
The salvation of the sinner by faith alone in the perfect saving work of Christ.
The regeneration of man and the sanctification of the believer by the power of the Holy Spirit.
The second coming of Christ the Saviour, the resurrection of the dead and the final judgement, in which the redeemed will inherit eternal life and sinners who rejected the gift of God in the person of Christ will suffer eternal condemnation.
The committee
Yiannos is 53 years old and a father of 3. They all serve the Lord. He received two Bachelor's degree in the United States of America in Accounting and Business and a Master's Degree in Business Administration. He also has a certificate from the Government as an Investment Advisor.
Since the age of 16, he had a particular sensitivity and love for the Holy Scriptures (Bible) which inspired him to study deeply the subject of Finances as the Bible presents it. Ηe wrote two books on the same subject. The first one was nominated by the Ministry of Education for the first prize in the category of new writers and the second one had tremendous success in sales.
Yiannos is serving the Lord as an elder together with three other brothers in the Nicosia Christian Centre. He is preaching the Gospel regularly and he is also visiting the Nicosia Central Prisons ministering to prisoners for the last 7 years.
Chryso has served the Lord in various capacities and roles since 1991. She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Marketing and Spanish from the University of Tennessee, U.S.A. and a Master's Degree in Theology from Vision International University, California, U.S.A.
She recently completed a second Master's Degree from Fuller Theological Seminary (School of intercultural Studies), Pasadena, California where she majored in Global Leadership with an emphasis on Islamic Studies. She is currently a doctoral candidate in the same School focusing on "Redeeming Power & Liberating Equity for Gender/Ethnic Relations." Besides her theological background, she worked extensively in the business world whereby she had the opportunity to travel around the globe and meet various cultures and people. She speaks Greek, English and Spanish.
Treasurer Kostakis Konstantınou is serving as an elder in the Church of God of Prophecy in Nicosia in which he has been a member since he accepted the Lord in 1985.
He has been attending the assemblies of PENEEK since 2008 and was elected as the Treasurer in the committee in December 2010 . He is married to Chrystalla Konstantinou and has three grown up children.
Cyprus Evangelical Alliance
P.O.BOX. 25083, 1306 NICOSIA, CYPRUS
TEL: +357 99 007574